PREDICTIONS SEPTEMBER 2024 BY : Dr Jyoti Jhangiani

We have plentiful to make!!! What if we knew our future, knew what was good and bad for us, knew which venture to put our money on and which to ignore, knew what will reap benefits and what won’t!!!

Presenting the astrological predictions for the month of September 2024, by the famous celebrity international numerologist, Reiki grandmaster and acclaimed tarot reader, Dr. Jyoti Jhangiani who will give you the astrological readings based on your sun sign.

So decide and design your future !!! Make the best of these predictions.




Health – Spending time with loved ones releases emotional and mental stress.
Relationship – Your relationship shall overcome all obstacles with your hard work & with the blessings of universe.
Career – Be optimistic when it comes to new opportunities related to job, business or enterprise.
Finance – After a period of suffering, you will find happiness. Good time to raise funds and invest in new projects.
Tarot message – Utilize new opportunities with your positive energies.
Lucky colors – White, Purple
Lucky Nos – 2, 3


Aquarius :

Health – Be careful as you might get affected with knee or lung infection. Also visit to a dentist is indicated.
Relationship – Just beware of addictions as your love life could get tensed for a while. New changes are indicated for betterment.
Career – Good opportunities are indicated. Promotion or increment is also expected at work place.
Finance – New projects, investments, funds, gains are on your way.
Tarot message – Utilize your positive energies and move towards the right path.
Lucky colors – Red, Golden
Lucky Nos – 1, 4


Pisces :

Health – Need to seek doctor’s help. But not to worry as health issues would be resolved one by one.
Relationship – Best period for your love life and deepest desires. Romantic trip is indicated.
Career – Struggle is indicated and you need to face some challenges with courage and enthusiasm. Maintain your positive attitude and
believe in yourself.
Finance – Gains are indicated but at the same time risk will be also involved and also money would be spent on travelling.
Tarot message – Let go off your ego.
Lucky colors – Red, Silver
Lucky Nos – 1, 2


Aries :

Health – With your positive state of mind drastic improvement in health is indicated.
Relationship – Domination could lead to conflict among partners. Avoid stubbornness and have patience.
Career – Work related travel would be successful. Promotion is also indicated.
Finance – Bright renewal period is indicated and you can expect good returns.
Tarot message – Think twice & act wise.
Lucky colors – Pink, Black
Lucky Nos – 6, 8


Taurus :

Health – Mental stress could spoil your health. Exercise regularly.
Relationship – To protect and maintain your relationship, you need to seek the help of a marriage counselor.
Career – Your decisions might not match with your boss or colleagues. Have patience & utilize your positive skills.
Finance – There might be some delays in returns but not to worry as future success is assured.
Tarot message – Travel with loved ones is on the cards.
Lucky colors – Green, Mauve
Lucky Nos – 3, 5


Gemini :

Health – To stabilize your health, proper rest, balanced diet, exercise and good sleep is a must.
Relationship – Cheat and separation is indicated. Be patient and do not take hasty decisions.
Career – Avoid fights and quarrels at work place and just let go else you will be at fault.
Finance – New financial opportunities are indicated. not sign any contract or agreement without reading it carefully.
Tarot message – Have patience and utilize your positive energies.
Lucky colors – Yellow, Cream
Lucky Nos – 1, 7



Health – End of sufferings and beginning of recovery is indicated. Love and care from closed ones would be helpful.
Relationship – There could be some insecurity and you could be unsure and even question the integrity of your relationship.
Career – Be careful while signing any contract or legal documents. Also remember ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’
Finance – There is lot of entertainment and you spend lavishly on your family, friends and on travel.
Tarot message – An outing with your loved one is indicated.
Lucky colors – Brown, Off White
Lucky Nos – 1, 2


Leo :

Health – Change of weather and place would be helpful for improvement of health.
Relationship – Temporary separation is indicated with your partner. It’s time to rethink of your own needs.
Career – Your past difficulties shall come to an end. Change of work and place both are indicated.
Finance – Try not to deal in money transactions with family or close friends else you might end up being sufferer.
Tarot message – Express your creative talent in the protection of the universe.
Lucky colors – Orange, Violet, Golden
Lucky Nos – 3, 4, 9


Virgo :

Health – Do not ignore your health while travelling.
Relationship – New relations and useful contacts would be developed in this month.
Career – Good opportunity is indicated. Just grab it and move ahead.
Finance – With your positive attitude you will have power and potential to direct any financial situation.
Tarot message – Beware of cheat and betray coming from a known person.
Lucky colors – Maroon, Grey
Lucky Nos – 1, 2


Libra :

Health – You shall overcome your health issues with your positive thinking and with the blessings of universe.
Relationship – Good news – engagement or marriage in the family is indicated.
Career – You might get a helping hand in your career. Do charity to the needy as per your capacity.
Finance – You can either invest in a new business or can get into business partnership as both would be favorable.
Tarot message – Give some space to self and beware of addictions.
Lucky colors – Yellow, Orange
Lucky Nos – 3, 4


Scorpio :

Health – Would be unstable as problems seems to multiply. Regular health checkups and exercise is a must.
Relationship – New relations would be developed and to maintain it, tactfulness, patience & respect between the partners is a must.
Career – Change of work and place is indicated. Bright chances for those who have applied for overseas job.
Finance – Delays would come to an end. Good time to release your energies in right direction.
Tarot message – Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you.
Lucky colors – Sky Blue, Brown
Lucky Nos – 4, 6


Sagittarius :

Health – End of bad phase and beginning of good phase is indicated.
Relationship – Do not take any hasty decisions else you will be the reason behind the separation.
Career – Take each step wisely as an unexpected bad news or false blame is indicated at your work place.
Finance – Focus will be on resolving certain financial legal issues. Need to seek professional advice before taking any major step.
Tarot message – Follow this motto – Try and try till you succeed.
Lucky colors – Green, Light Blue, Beige
Lucky Nos – 4, 5, 7


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