December 30th, 20168454A seasoned professional, public school educated having Doctorate in Civil Engineering associated with the Technical Education system of different parts of India...
December 28th, 201616480Capt. Dr. Sanjay Vyas with experience of about 25 years in the field of Higher Education. He is Professor of Botany & Head of Microbiology Department of Govt.Holkar...
November 17th, 20168612
The corporate world is very complex. There is cut throat competition. The market trend has its own dynamics. The corporates have to struggle throughout to create a...
June 22nd, 20162221Expressing solidarity with the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) theme “Blood connects us all” and to thank all blood donors who had made differences to the lives...
May 14th, 2016784280
In his speech on India’s 68th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his view on skill development very clear. And he has continued to emphasise on it...