September 27th, 20175128Ever wondered what is common among the companies likes Facebook, Microsoft, Snapchat, Yahoo, Dropbox? Apart from being the top IT companies, these companies were founded...
September 18th, 20172514“Are you sure you want to go for it? Remember you are a girl.” said a concerned voice. “Thanks for reminding that to me again, but I am not only a girl I am a...
September 15th, 20173168The Indian advertising industry is huge, with a plethora of Indian and multi-national brands, advertising heavily across all platforms. Some popular brands include...
September 4th, 20172161Sports refers to the physical activities generally involving skill of competitive nature. An individual or group often competes against another for entertainment....
August 23rd, 20171204WHAT IS SLUM? A slum is a heavily populated urban informal settlement characterised by substandard housing and squalor. While slum differ in size and other...
August 15th, 20175429Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (English: Clean India Movement) is a campaign by the government of India to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country's 4,041...
August 4th, 2017471Every year as things begin to look up for corporate social responsibility, we just reflect at the past endeavours and come to the conclusion that the things are looking...
July 25th, 20172539As the focus area of corporate social responsibility is in accordance with the requirements under the companies act 2013, many CSR activities, among others will focus...
July 2nd, 20172171
‘God’s word is very clear in telling us that all men are created equal and every single person can be a child of god , receiving the full inheritance of heaven. We...