March 25th, 20183318Indian Education System is one of the largest in the world, which is serving more than 195 million approx. students of different socio economic background. The total population of the country is about 1340 million (1.34 billion). Earlier the focus was on quantitative augmentation of educational provisions, which later rerouted to...
February 23rd, 20185204Before beginning with the role of CSR in disaster management, it’s important to know about Disasters, Indian Scenario and Disaster management for the purpose of disaster risk reduction.
Hazard can be defined as any event that can possibly cause harm or pose threat to the environment, humans, socio-economic infrastructure. Hazard is...
February 18th, 20181201When Twinkle Khanna wrote her novel ‘The Legend Of Lakshmi Prasad’ little did the Indian newspaper columnist, film producer, film actress and interior designer know that it has the fire to fuel the new CSR gamut of exploring the widest range of opportunities in the form of sanitation needs of women of India.
In the upcoming movie,...
February 16th, 201810241
CSR is the new Religion | Any one can dream of becoming CSR professional.
A career in CSR is the need of the hour.
Career opportunities in CSR will maximise as it is the new holy grail for many corporates.
Professionals from all walks of life can peruse...
February 9th, 201843285
CSR can preserve flora and Fauna
Looking for Sustainable Solutions through CSR
Profitability, taking into account the environmental sustenance is imperative for the Corporate
Consumerism adversely affects the environmental equilibrium
United Nation’s (UN) Support...
February 1st, 20181192
JNICSR promoting ideal CSR by Indian Oil
Expanding Horizons of CSR
Bringing protection of Cultural heritage under the aegis
Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Corporate Social Responsibility JNICSR Is a best CSR education...
February 1st, 2018386
Empowering with skill has an edge over empowerment with Money
Empowering a war widows & dependents can be a good CSR
CSR funding can actualise the dreams of war widows and Dependents
JNICSR recognising the strength of CSR in supporting war veterans...
February 1st, 20183259Decisions! Decisions!Decisions!!!
We have plentiful to make!!! What if we knew our future, knew what was good and bad for us, knew which venture to put our money on and which to ignore, knew what will reap benefits and what won’t!!!
Presenting the astrological predictions for the month of February, 2018, by the famous celebrity...
January 26th, 2018592
'God’s word is very clear in telling us that all men are created equal and every single person can be a child of god , receiving the full inheritance of heaven. We can look toward the bible to learn how to love and serve everyone no matter what their age, color or...
January 24th, 20188126
Career In CSR (Career Opportunities in Corporate Social Responsibility)
Any one can pursue a career in CSR
You do not required any special qualification to gain education in CSR
Multitasking and skill transfer through...