We have plentiful to make!!! What if we knew our future, knew what was good and bad for us, knew which venture to put our money on and which to ignore, knew what will reap benefits and what won’t!!!
Presenting the astrological predictions for the month of February 2025, by the famous celebrity international numerologist, Reiki grandmaster and acclaimed tarot reader, Dr. Jyoti Jhangiani who will give you the astrological readings based on your sun sign.
So decide and design your future !!! Make the best of these predictions.

Health – Proper diet, sleep and regular exercise is a must.
Relationship – Not right time for any kind of commitment – be it proposal or marriage.
Career – Use your moral strength, courage and power of conviction as your energy to face the challenging situations.
Finance – Now is the time to examine your possessions, resources and income. What matters is how well do you handle your money and
yourself in this current situation.
Tarot message – You need a break. Small vacation would be helpful.
Lucky colors – Pink, Black
Lucky Nos – 6, 8

Aquarius :
Health – With your positive energies you would be healed quickly.
Relationship – Struggle in relationship is indicated. Have patience and work on yourself within relations.
Career – Take each step wisely as an unexpected bad news or false blame is indicated at your work place.
Finance – There might be some delays in returns but not to worry as future success is assured.
Tarot message – You shall be guided by both intuition and foresight.
Lucky colors – Peach, Light Blue, Purple
Lucky Nos – 3, 7, 9

Pisces :
Health – Drastic improvement in health is indicated as test reports would be positive. Pregnancy news in the family is indicated.
Relationship – New love life is indicated but without any commitment.
Career – Be careful while signing any contract or documents as cheat and betray is indicated.
Finance – Would be stable. Focus on new financial opportunities.
Tarot message – Misunderstandings would get cleared soon.
Lucky colors – Red, White
Lucky Nos – 1, 6

Aries :
Health – As you seem to be emotionally unstable, yoga or meditation would be of great help.
Relationship – You are likely to get a helping hand and support in your difficult times of relationship.
Career – Hard time in your career, have patience and do not stress yourself. Take a break but do not give up.
Finance – Money would be spent on socializing, shopping and travelling.
Tarot message – Follow your inner light and do not hide the madness.
Lucky colors – Orange, Mauve
Lucky Nos – 3, 9

Taurus :
Health – To maintain healthy and stable life, exercise is a must.
Relationship – Love life would be stable but you would yearn for more. Just move with the flow.
Career – Focus on long term goals and be serious towards your work.
Finance – Right time for new investments as gains and profits are indicated.
Tarot message – Doubt is the archenemy of love !!
Lucky colors – Crimson, Yellow
Lucky Nos – 3, 9

Gemini :
Health – Would remain stable if you keep exercising regularly.
Relationship – Use your intuition to liberate yourself from unwanted thoughts.
Career – Use intelligence and knowledge to your advantage and make rapid progress at work.
Finance – Keep your eyes open and balance your finance wisely.
Tarot message – Just go with the flow.
Lucky colors – Green, Violet
Lucky Nos – 3, 5

Health – To remain healthy always balance your work and personal life.
Relationship – To protect and maintain your relationship, you need to seek the help of a marriage counselor.
Career – Misunderstandings would be cleared. Creativity skills would be recognized. Business partnership is also indicated.
Finance – Good amount of money would be spent on travelling so plan your finances wisely and focus on your savings.
Tarot message – It is better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret.
Lucky colors – Green, Sky Blue
Lucky Nos – 5, 7

Leo :
Health – Pay attention to your health as an accident, surgery or hospitalization phase is indicated.
Relationship – ‘As you sow so shall you reap’ – Give justice to your relations.
Career – Struggle in finding the right work. Avoid arguments as it may lead to loss of job or business.
Finance – Bright renewal period is indicated and you can expect good returns.
Tarot message – Your intuition power shall guide you in the right direction.
Lucky colors – Cream, Navy Blue, Red
Lucky Nos – 2, 8, 9

Virgo :
Health – Be careful as there are chances of either an accident / surgery or severe sickness.
Relationship – Giving, receiving, caring and sharing of love is indicated in your relationship.
Career – Would progress. Stability, security, promotion and increment is indicated.
Finance – You still need to sort out your financial matters.
Tarot message – Grab the opportunity that comes your way.
Lucky colors – Brown, Golden
Lucky Nos – 1, 4

Libra :
Health – Proper diet, sleep and regular exercise is a must.
Relationship – Do not hold your past. Every moment changes, learn to go with the flow of life.
Career – Work related travel is indicated. Start focusing on long term goals.
Finance – Two source of income is indicated. Balance it wisely.
Tarot message – It is high time that you utilize positive energies to move in a right direction.
Lucky colors – Green, Maroon
Lucky Nos – 1, 5

Scorpio :
Health – After taking doctor’s advice you need to stay with a nutritious diet plan and with light exercises to maintain good health.
Relationship – Temporary separation is indicated with your partner. It is time to rethink of your own needs.
Career – A good work offer from a known person or from your past employer is indicated.
Finance – After a period of suffering, you will find happiness. Good time to raise funds and invest in new projects.
Tarot message – Period of expansion and exploration.
Lucky colors – Offwhite, Green, Orange
Lucky Nos – 2, 5, 9

Sagittarius :
Health – Utilize positive energies that can release you from health issues, past difficulty and tensions.
Relationship – You need to struggle hard to work on your relations as separation is indicated.
Career – Your decisions might not match with your boss or colleagues. Have patience & utilize your positive skills.
Finance – New financial opportunities are indicated.
Tarot message – New business proposal and new directions would be beneficial.
Lucky colors – Silver, Yellow, Brown
Lucky Nos – 2, 3, 4