We have plentiful to make!!! What if we knew our future, knew what was good and bad for us, knew which venture to put our money on and which to ignore, knew what will reap benefits and what won’t!!!
Presenting the astrological predictions for the month of April 2024, by the famous celebrity international numerologist, Reiki grandmaster and acclaimed tarot reader, Dr. Jyoti Jhangiani who will give you the astrological readings based on your sun sign.
So decide and design your future !!! Make the best of these predictions.

Health – Utilize positive energies that can release you from health issues, past difficulties and tensions.
Relationship – Endings and new beginnings in relationships are expected. This experience may be difficult, painful and unavoidable but it
is likely to make way for new opportunities in the future.
Career – Your creative skills and hard work would be appreciated and recognized. Just do not get over occupied.
Finance – Use your mental strength to achieve gain and success.
Tarot message – Always remember ‘What goes around comes around’
Lucky colors – White, Black, Golden
Lucky Nos – 2, 4, 8

Aquarius :
Health – Bad dreams and insecurity could spoil your health. Meditation or yoga would be helpful.
Relationship – End of bad phase and beginning of good phase is indicated as love knows no boundaries.
Career – Your job might be threatened or something that you own could be taken away or lost. So just be careful.
Finance – Be careful while dealing with finances as risk would be involved. Do not rush, take one step at a time.
Tarot message – Think twice & act wise.
Lucky colors – Yellow, Orange
Lucky Nos – 4, 9

Pisces :
Health – Control your anger, have patience and exercise.
Relationship – Waiting period in your love life but not to give up, just be positive and work hard on your commitments.
Career – Work related travel would be successful. Promotion is also indicated.
Finance – New projects, investments, funds, gains are on your way. Luck would be on your side.
Tarot message – Misunderstandings would get cleared soon.
Lucky colors – Red, Blue, Silver
Lucky Nos – 1, 2, 6

Aries :
Health – Proper rest, balanced diet, exercise and a good amount of sleep is a must to stabilize your health.
Relationship – Be alert as cheat, betrayal and separation is indicated in your relationship.
Career – You might face two opposing forces creating imbalance in your career. Utilize positive energies to think in the right direction.
Finance – Good time for new investments or entering in a partnership.
Tarot message – Do not take hasty decisions as your views and opinion might differ from others.
Lucky colors – Mauve, Pink
Lucky Nos – 3, 6

Taurus :
Health – You need to balance your health physically, mentally as well emotionally.
Relationship – ‘As you sow so shall you reap’ – Give justice to your relations.
Career – Promotion, stability and success is indicated in your career path.
Finance – With your positive attitude you will have power and potential to direct any financial situation.
Tarot message – Good news through a lady is indicated.
Lucky colors – Off white, Purple, Green
Lucky Nos – 2, 3, 5

Gemini :
Health – Tensions and worries could lead to mental depression. Be careful as miscarriage or an abortion is indicated.
Relationship – You need to struggle hard to work on your relations as separation is indicated.
Career – New opportunities with regards to job, business projects and new ventures are indicated.
Finance – Past experience would help you to understand and manage your finance wisely.
Tarot message – Try not to be over confident or egoistic.
Lucky colors – Maroon, Peach
Lucky Nos – 1, 9

Health – Do not neglect your health as tensions and worries could lead to mental depression. Meditation would be of help.
Relationship – New relations would be developed. You need to maintain it carefully.
Career – Use intelligence and knowledge to your advantage and make rapid progress at work.
Finance – Better phase is indicated. Good news is expected for those who have applied overseas.
Tarot message – Stay away from quarrels and fights.
Lucky colors – Brown, Violet, Yellow
Lucky Nos – 1, 3, 4

Leo :
Health – Try not to ignore minor health issues else it might tend to become major in future.
Relationship – Would be unstable as you tend to invite troubles by cheating on your partner and finally getting trapped into it.
Career – This is not the right time for switch over of job as you may face fear of success and power. Be smart in taking decisions.
Finance – With your hard work and efforts, financial conditions shall improve. Utilize money wisely.
Tarot message – Be careful as an unexpected false acquisition is expected.
Lucky colors – Grey, Light Green
Lucky Nos – 7, 8

Virgo :
Health – Mental depression and insecurity could spoil your health. Utilize your positive energies and exercise regularly.
Relationship – There could be some insecurity and you could be unsure and even question the integrity of your relationship.
Career – You might get a helping hand in your career. Do charity to the needy as per your capacity.
Finance – Keep your eyes open and balance your finance wisely.
Tarot message – Release your energies towards your goal with an assurance that you will succeed.
Lucky colors – Green, Sky Blue
Lucky Nos – 5, 6

Libra :
Health – With your positive state of mind drastic improvement in health is indicated.
Relationship – New relations and useful contacts would be developed.
Career – Your past difficulties shall come to an end. Change of work and place both are indicated.
Finance – Be careful as an argument or fight for money is indicated with your colleague.
Tarot message – Abroad trip is indicated.
Lucky colors – Navy Blue, Brown
Lucky Nos – 4, 8

Scorpio :
Health – It could be spoiled due to doubts, worries or an isolation phase. Meditation or yoga would be helpful.
Relationship – Struggle is indicated and you need to face some challenges with courage and enthusiasm.
Career – Business matters which were stuck or professionals whose appraisals are pending shall receive good news.
Finance – Try not to deal in money transactions with family or friends else you might be the sufferer.
Tarot message – Not the right time for any kind of commitment or partnership.
Lucky colors – Beige, Crimson, Military Green
Lucky Nos – 7, 8, 9

Sagittarius :
Health – Unexpected blessings and relief from your sickness, which may previously had seemed unresolved.
Relationship – Domination could lead to conflict among partners. Avoid stubbornness and have patience.
Career – Your past difficulties and experiences will guide you in the right direction and will encourage you to face and accept new
challenges that come your way.
Finance – Be careful with your money as backstabbing and betrayal is indicated.
Tarot message – New opportunity is indicated and it depends entirely on your intentions to carry it out your way.
Lucky colors – Orange, Royal Blue
Lucky Nos – 1, 8
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